8th Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture on “Trajectory of Urban Planning” by Shri Dunu Roy
National Centre for Human Settlements and Environment (NCHSE) working on issues of environment and urban development since 1984 in partnership with and Friends of Environment, a group of eminent persons of Bhopal, advocating sustainable development and good governance organizes the Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture on 5th October every year since 2015. This year Jagran Lakecity University has joined hands to organize the 8th memorial Lecture. 8th Mahesh Buch Memorial Lecture on “Trajectory of Urban Planning” by Shri Dunu Roy President, Sanchal Foundation, New Delhi Chaired by Prof. P.K.Biswas, Vice Chancellor, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal on 5th October 2023, Venue- Auditorium, at Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal.
Credit: NCHSE Bhopal